Clark County added about 30,000 residents from 2009 to 2010, reaching a total population of 2,036,358, according to population figures presented to the Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition (SNRPC).
The new numbers show a 1.5 percent population increase from 2009 to 2010 for Clark County. The unincorporated areas of the County saw the most significant increase during the year as that population jumped from 864,569 in 2009 to 891,305 in 2010, a 3.1 percent increase.
The 2010 population by jurisdiction is: Boulder City, 15,886; Henderson, 276,428; Las Vegas, 606,656; North Las Vegas, 224,940; and Mesquite, 21,142. "
The increase is consistent with the 2010 statewide population figure of 2,700,551 recently released by the U.S. Census Bureau," said Jon Wardlaw, a Clark County assistant planning manager and the County’s chief demographer. The population figures were presented during the Tuesday meeting of the SNRPC board. The SNRPC brings together local governments in Southern Nevada to coordinate regional planning and deal with other regional issues such as homelessness.
The population figures are based on the number of existing housing units in the cities and unincorporated areas in Clark County as of July 1, 2010.
Complete population figures for 2010 and previous years are available through the County Website at www.ClarkCountyNV.gov. To see this information online, go to the Demographics division of the Comprehensive Planning Department’s web page.
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