NEVADA State saw solid sales tax gain in April-2012

State saw solid sales tax gain in April
By Jennifer Robison
Posted: Jun. 28, 2012 | 12:23 p.m.
Taxable sales increased in April, the state Department of Taxation said this afternoon.

The dollar volume of goods sold by merchants across Nevada rose 5.1 percent year over year in April, to $3.53 billion.

Spending in Clark County gained 4.9 percent year over year, increasing to $2.6 billion.

Sales categories posting above-average gains included dealers of cars and car parts, merchant wholesalers of durable goods and utilities.

Sales also improved inside restaurants, clothing stores and furniture stores.

Gross revenue collections from sales and use taxes in April totaled $272.5 million, a 2.6 percent increase compared with April 2011.

Sales and use taxes help fund prisons and public schools.

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