
The Modern Las Vegas Mid-Rise Lofts Revive Life To Stalled Development


The Modern Las Vegas loft condominiums completion was announced recently by BondRok Partners. With 83 mid-rise lofts ranging from 1,234 to 2,723 square feet, this new community presents a simple, clean style and a wealth of amenities including a resort-style pool and sun deck, two-story fitness center, three open courtyards, and an on-site concierge.
"現代" 的開發商布洛集團宣布, 拉斯維加斯樓"現代" 奢華公寓大廈已經完成 。有 83個單位, 從 1,234 平方英呎到 2,723平方英呎,這個新社區提供一種簡單,乾淨的風格, 包括度假村式的游泳池, 太陽能,雙層的健身中心,三個敞開的庭院,以及門房的大量便利設施。

The Modern Las Vegas Pool
The Modern Las Vegas Pool
拉斯維加斯"現代" 游泳池

BOKA Powell was retained to create a clean, modern identity for the model condominiums, common areas and front entry. Three model residences are being furnished in a simple, sophisticated style, designed to appeal to a range of potential buyers:
"現代" 的設計公司"波卡. 鮑威爾", 讓"現代"無論是共同區域或入口都十分地乾淨及時尚。有三種不同的房型設計, 樣品屋都被佈置地簡單大方,可以符合不同買主的需求:

1) Loft space: Designed with the bachelor in mind, using black, greys, whites, leather with modern art.

1) 樓閣式設計:適合單身者,使用黑色,灰色,白色,及現代藝術的皮革。

2) Two bedroom: Offers a super white, clean look, with natural wood, leather and textures.
2) 兩間臥室設計:提供超白,超乾淨的視覺感受,有著天然的木材,皮革和結構。

3) Two bedroom + study: Provides a mix of contemporary and modern elements, artwork and furnishings suitable for families.
3) 兩間臥室加上讀書室設計 :混合了古典和現代的元素,適合家庭居住的精心傑作。

The Modern Fitness Center
The Modern Fitness Center

“Our approach with The Modern was to design for today’s primary home buyer, with a modest, clean look. We used a lot of natural wood and contemporary furnishings,” said Caroline Edsell, designer, BOKA Powell. The furnishings were selected from affordable, quality stores including Room & Board and West Elm.   Each unit is upgraded with European style cabinetry, travertine and solid surface countertops,KitchenAid Architect® Series appliances, Kohler plumbing fixtures and modern designer sinks. The lofts have ceilings reaching 21 feet high and include a private terrace or balcony.
波卡. 鮑威爾的設計師, 卡羅琳.艾索說: "現代"是為目前主要房屋購買者所設計的, 帶著一種適度,乾淨的外表。我們使用很多天然的木材和現代的傢俱。傢俱是從買主能負擔得起, 高品質的商店購買來的, 像"房間及門板", "西榆樹"...等。  每個單位都有升級的歐式木櫃,類花崗石工作臺面,"廚房幫手建築師系列" 電器, 酷樂水管和現代特製的洗滌槽。樓閣使天花板達到 21 英呎高和包括一個私人陽臺。

The Modern Kitchen
The Modern Unit Kitchen

BOKA Powell selected the furnishings and provided creative direction for the shared community amenities, including three open courtyards, a resort-style pool and spa, a sun deck with wet bar and cabanas, shaded poolside verandas, multiple barbeque grills, fire pits and pet parks. “Having worked with BOKA Powell previously on the St. Regis Dallas development, we knew their superior design sensibility and understanding of clean, well-appointed living spaces would serve as a perfect complement to our vision for The Modern,” said Patrick Humes, principal with BondRok Partners. “We set out to create a stylish community that was unprecedented in Las Vegas and with BOKA Powell’s assistance, we have achieved that.”
布洛集團的負責人帕特里克.荷姆說:" 波卡. 鮑威爾慎選傢俱, 有創意的方向, 為公共區域提供便利設施,包括三個敞開的庭院,一個度假村式的游泳池和礦泉療養地,具小吧台和小屋的太陽甲板,有遮蔽的游泳池畔,多重的燒烤區,火爐和寵物公園。以前在聖瑞吉斯·達拉斯的專案上與波卡. 鮑威爾攜手合作過,我們知道他們超級的上司設計敏感度, 對乾淨,設備完善的生活空間的了解, 是我們發展"現代" 的完美合作夥伴, 我們決定波卡. 鮑威爾攜手, 建立拉斯維加斯史無前例的一個時尚社區,我們做到了。"
The Modern Loft Unit
The Modern Las Vegas Loft
"現代" 的閣樓設計

The bank-owned property was originally developed under the name Luxe Lofts. BondRok Partners and CrossHarbor Capital Partners LLC bought the stalled project in May 2011 and retooled the design and construction to create The Modern. 
"現代" 原本為銀行擁有, 原來的名字是"華美"。 2011 年5 月布洛集團和跨港集團合夥從銀行買進這個被拖延的專案, 重新裝潢備設計和建造, 改名為"現代", 2012年4月底正式開幕出售。

For more information, PLEASE CALL YOUR #1 VEGAS REALTOR (RAMON WU) @702-334-7767
如您有任何問題, 請致電拉斯維加斯地產專家吳先生@702-334-7767


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