庆祝(七月/04=美国独立日) 活动,房屋建筑商将提供多达10项“免费”家电!!!

现有房市房屋緊俏,短缺,(亨德森的新房屋) 給買家提供了最好的選擇

目前房市的房屋緊俏,短缺,每個買房的人都會感受到,一個房子剛剛上市,就會有大約十幾個買家,甚至幾十個買家一擁而上,一個又一個的offer給出去,結果都是渺無音信, 這一情況使得很多來拉斯維加斯的投資人垂頭喪氣,灰心意冷。





楊柳社區(the-willow)就是漢德森最新的一個社區。位於95號公路和215的交界處, 交通非常方便,到中國城只有16mile的距離,大約十幾分鐘的車程。目前建築商提供6種不同的戶型供投資者選擇,價格從$158,000至$230,000 不等。


詳情請電 = Ramon Wu (702) 334-7767, (626) 385-8890, 

Jolin Liu 702-372-0881626-542-5067, 我們也可以協助貸款。


CAP RATE = 8-12% proforma


Square Footage:1,530 - 2,525
Bedrooms:3 - 5

rooms:2.5 - 4


Pricing From:$158,990 - $243,490










( HENDERSON ) = 楊柳社區, 投資自住兩相宜 !!!


目前建商推出的全新住宅社區,以韓德森市的「楊柳社區」(The Willows)較受新屋買主注目,此地雖然不是大賭城區內最便宜的新屋社區,卻是地點最方便,周邊建設最完全的一處。

為楊柳住宅社區推廣華裔市場的地產經紀吳建興=(Ramon Wu)說,韓德森市與拉斯維加斯緊鄰,但房價平均要比拉斯維加斯市高,主要因為韓市是一個新穎都市規畫的城市,一直在全美住宅環境最佳前50名之內,它就像加州的爾灣市,是大賭城區內學區教育水平最高,專業人士最愛居住的城市。

楊柳社區在韓德森市 Galleria Mall 購物中心旁,南內華達居民都知道這一帶是韓市商業中心點,所有全美連鎖名店在這附近都開有分店,兩項韓市最新開發案也近在咫尺:一項是大型水上樂園,明年就完工;另一項是耗資15億的Union Village大計畫,包括醫療、商業及住宅村。





韓德森聯合醫療村, 中國有興趣!


新聞日期: 2012/06/19

來自中國商務及醫療業25人參觀工地 與市府官員及開發商會談考慮引進
 韓德森市將建起全美獨一無二的聯合醫療村(Union Village),這種全新的醫療集合體概念也深深地吸引中國方面的代表。近日,來自中國商務部及醫療業的一行25人親自參觀該項目的准施工地。



 根據聯合醫療村的開發藍圖,在95號高速和廣場路(Galleria Drive)附近的一塊150英畝空地上,將建成4家醫院、1,000戶老人公寓單元及大規模的醫療辦公鋪面。聯合醫療村內還分佈有餐館、購物中心、酒店及電影院等。據估計,該項目將耗資15億美元,將在2013年動工。


 維加斯地區中心發言人Ken Pyatt表示非常願意與中方分享聯合醫療村項目的經驗。Pyatt還表示,韓德森市醫療聯合村建成後,開發商們在這個基礎上將類似醫療村的開發項目向全球推廣。




(washer, dryer, dishwasher, vent hood, refrigerator, stove, oven, microwave oven, garage door motor & 2 garage door opener)

the "2 inches wooden" mini blind will also be included 4 the whole house, too!!! 

this community is also "GATED" with 3 "community parks"

the HOA FEE is super low = only $54 per month now !!!



PLEASE CLICK HERE 4 (exterior) VIDEOS..........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_CliXC8QaM

PLEASE CLICK HERE 4 (interior) VIDEOS..........

( FROM THE FAMOUS VEGAS STRIP TO THIS " henderson " HOUSE ) ONLY ABOUT..........Route: 10.2 mi, 17 min


亨德森新家園附近的一切 !!!


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Red Bluff model sign

Red Bluff model sign

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MapQuest Maps and Directions
Search Results 1-10 for:
"Colleges & Universities"
University Of Phoenix-Henderson
7777 Eastgate RdHendersonNV 89015
(702) 638-7279
University of Southern Nevada
11 Sunset WayHendersonNV 89014
(702) 933-4433
College of Southern Nevada
1301 W Sunset RdHendersonNV 89014
(702) 643-6060
University of Phoenix
4 Sunset Way Ste EHendersonNV 89014
(800) 433-3243
ITT Technical Institute
168 N Gibson RdHendersonNV 89014
(702) 558-5404
Sierra Nevada College
4300 E Sunset RdHendersonNV 89014
(702) 434-6599
Lincoln Christian University
1001 New Beginnings DrHendersonNV 89011
(702) 440-8440
University of Phoenix-Henderson
104 S Water StHendersonNV 89015
(702) 558-0617
Everest College
170 N Stephanie StHendersonNV 89074
(888) 844-3583
University of Nevada Las Vegas
Physical Therapy
4505 S Maryland PkwyLas VegasNV 89154
(800) 433-3243
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©2012 MapQuest  -  Portions ©2012 , Intermap | Terms
in Henderson. These beautiful single family homes are convenient to everything, schools, shopping, restaurants, hospitals, outdoor activities and entertainment.


Touro University-Nevada
874 American Pacific Dr Ste 100, Henderson, NV 89014
0.00mi (702) 777-1750

Red Bluff model exterior

Red Bluff model exterior

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Red Bluff model living room

Red Bluff model living room

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Uploaded on Mar 26, 2011

Red Bluff model living room 2

Red Bluff model living room 2

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Uploaded on Mar 26, 2011

Red Bluff model dining area

Red Bluff model dining area

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Uploaded on Mar 26, 2011

Red Bluff model kitchen

Red Bluff model kitchen

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Red Bluff kitchen appl side

Red Bluff kitchen appl side

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Uploaded on Mar 26, 2011

Red Bluff kitchen sink side

Red Bluff kitchen sink side

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Uploaded on Mar 26, 2011

Red Bluff hallway to master

Red Bluff hallway to master

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Uploaded on Mar 26, 2011

Red Bluff model master bed

Red Bluff model master bed

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Uploaded on Mar 26, 2011

Red Bluff model master bed 2

Red Bluff model master bed 2

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Uploaded on Mar 26, 2011

Red Bluff model master bed closet

Red Bluff model master bed closet

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Uploaded on Mar 26, 2011

Red Bluff master bath tub-shower

Red Bluff master bath tub-shower

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Uploaded on Mar 26, 2011

Red Bluff master bath vanity & toliet room

Red Bluff master bath vanity & toliet room

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Red Bluff model bed 2

Red Bluff model bed 2

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Red Bluff model bed 3

Red Bluff model bed 3

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Red Bluff model bed 4

Red Bluff model bed 4

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Red Bluff model 2nd bath

Red Bluff model 2nd bath

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Red Bluff model laundry room

Red Bluff model laundry room

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Starling model exterior

Starling model exterior

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Starling model living room

Starling model living room

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Starling model living room 2

Starling model living room 2

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Starling model family room

Starling model family room

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Starling model ktichen & dining area

Starling model ktichen & dining area

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Starling model kitchen & dining 2

Starling model kitchen & dining 2

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Starling model downstairs bedroom

Starling model downstairs bedroom

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Starling model downstairs bath

Starling model downstairs bath

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Starling model master bedroom

Starling model master bedroom

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Starling model master bedroom 2

Starling model master bedroom 2

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Starling model master bath - tub & shower

Starling model master bath - tub & shower

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Master bath vanity

Master bath vanity

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Starling model 2nd bedroom

Starling model 2nd bedroom

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Starling model 2nd bath

Starling model 2nd bath

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Starling model 3rd bedroom

Starling model 3rd bedroom

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Starling model jack & jill bath

Starling model jack & jill bath

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Jack & Jill bath

Jack & Jill bath

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Starling model jack & jill sink

Starling model jack & jill sink

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Starling model 4th bedroomm

Starling model 4th bedroomm

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Starling Stair Railing

Starling Stair Railing

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Upstair hallway

Upstair hallway

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Upstairs railing & hall

Upstairs railing & hall

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Starling model laundry room

Starling model laundry room

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A white sphere made of large jigsaw pieces. Letters from many alphabets are shown on the pieces.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henderson,_Nevada

The 20th Best Place to Live

In 2006, Money magazine ranked Henderson 20th in its annual list of the top 100 places to live in the U.S.[13]

[edit]One of the Most Walkable Cities

Prevention magazine tapped Henderson in 2007 as the sixth best walking city in America, ahead of San Diego, California, and just behind Seattle, Washington.[14] Henderson has more than 37 miles (60 km) of trails.[15]

[edit]Film history

  • Henderson, like its larger neighbor Las Vegas, is frequently featured on the TV drama, "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" as the location of residence of a victim or other person of interest, although the majority of the show's filming takes place inCalifornia.
  • The "Real CSI" documentary featured the Henderson Police Department (HPD) Crime Scene Analysts/Investigators.
  • The classic scene in the James Bond film Diamonds Are Forever in which Bond (portrayed by Sean Connery) nearly gets cremated alive was filmed at Palm Mortuary's Henderson location. Later in the movie he is dumped into a pipeline. The scene is near Trailer Estates on Lake Mead Blvd. The construction office for the Lake Mead to Las Vegas Water pipeline was located there during the building of the pipeline and the filming of the movie.
  • America's Sweethearts, starring Julia Roberts and John Cusack, featured many scenes filmed at Lake Las Vegas.


[edit]Top employers

According to the City's 2010 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report,[16] the top employers in the city are:
#Employer# of Employees
1City of Henderson2,963
2St. Rose Dominican Hospital – Siena Campus1,000-1,499
3Green Valley Ranch1,000-1,499
4M Resort1,000-1,499
5Sunset Station1,000-1,499
6Medco Health Solutions800-899
7St. Rose Dominican Hospital – Rose de Lima Campus800-899
10Fiesta Henderson500-599




KVVU is licensed to broadcast from Henderson. (Fox)

[edit]Notable residents


The Clark County School District provides elementary and secondary public education. Henderson is the location for 29 elementary schools, nine middle schools, and nine high schools. Five of the nine high schools are public schools. A tenth high school, Silverado High School, also serves parts of Henderson but is located in the unincorporated Clark County (Paradise).

[edit]Colleges and universities

Henderson is home to several colleges and universities. Nevada State College, a baccalaureate college in the Nevada System of Higher Education. The Roseman University of Health Sciences, a private university which awards degrees in nursing, pharmacy, and business, is located in Henderson. The College of Southern Nevada, a community college based in Las Vegas, maintains a branch campus in Henderson. California's National University and Touro University Nevada also maintain a campus in Henderson.
Several for-profit colleges also operate in the city, including The Art Institute of Las VegasEverest College-Henderson formerly Las Vegas College, and the Nevada branch of the ITT Technical Institute.

[edit]Nevada State College

Founded in 2002 on a 509-acre (2.06 km2) site in the southern foothills of Henderson, Nevada State College offers academic programs regular and accelerated nursing degrees, education degrees, and liberal arts majors including psychology, biology, history, English, criminal justice, and an Occupational Therapy joint degree program in conjunction with Touro College. Its first permanent building, the Liberal Arts and Sciences building, opened in August 2008. Nevada State College’s full-time faculty is 34.2% ethnic/racial minorities, which is the highest percentage of all colleges of the Nevada System of Higher Education institutions. The college realized accreditation through the efforts of its late President Dr. Fred Maryanski.

Developers planning 22-acre water 

park in Henderson

Shawn Hassett, developer of a 22-acre water park at Galleria Drive and Gibson Road in Henderson, said he has secured financing for the project, plans to close on the property in July and expects to break ground in August.
“We’ve been meeting with slide manufacturers, visiting other parks, talking with industry experts, jumping through all the hoops,” Hassett said. “Things are moving forward.”
Hassett declined to put a price tag on the project but said it would feature 20 water slides, a lazy river, a wave pool, restaurants and cabanas.

Dreampark International, Inc. conceptual drawing of the water park, Nov. 11, 2011.
Friday, Nov. 11, 2011 | 3:37 p.m.

Proposed water park

Developers have plans to build a 22-acre water park in Henderson that would open next summer and feature 20 water slides, thrill rides, a lazy river, restaurants and cabanas.
Project developer Shawn Hassett told the Henderson Planning Commission on Thursday that his company is in the final stages of putting financing together and will not start the project until the money is in place.
The commission approved a conditional use permit to Vegas Residential LLC and ordered a design study for the proposed park at Galleria Drive and Gibson Road. With the city’s go-ahead, the attraction could be open as early as summer 2012, Hassett said.
Since the closing of Wet’n Wild on the Strip, the valley has missed out on a water park, Hassett said.
“There aren’t really that many options for good, wholesome family entertainment,” said Hassett, a nine-year resident of Henderson. “It will be a huge benefit to the community.”
The proposed park would be located near Union Village, a $1.5 billion medical, retail and residential complex.
It would include a lazy river, a wave pool, thrill rides, family water slides and a family play area. There will be about 20 water slides, surrounded by restaurants, cabanas and volleyball courts.
“We want to introduce some new rides and some favorites and classics rides,” Hassett said.
In the past, Hassett has been involved with several projects locally and out of state, working extensively on the financing for one of the Panorama Towers near the
Strip. His partner Ben Howell worked for Del Webb building hundreds of homes in the valley and also worked in the pool industry for more than 15 years.
One of the other members of the development team, Don McCrary, has designed and developed 30 to 40 water parks, and the former general manager of Wet’n Wild will also help develop the park.
After the economy took a plunge, Hassett said, he pulled out of developing, until he found a decently priced piece of land for the water park.
“A water park is something that has always been on our mind,” Hassett said. “The challenge is that land prices were so expensive, so it didn’t make sense. In the last 12 months, prices are more realistic.”
He declined to disclose how much the company paid for the land.
The planning commission expressed some concerns about traffic and noise. The park will include an eight-foot, decorative wall along Galleria Drive with a buffer of trees and landscaping for visual and sound buffering.
The water park would be open from Memorial Day to Labor Day and some weekends in the spring and fall.
Tentatively called the Henderson Water Park, Hassett said, he will release the official name once construction is started.
Hassett said the next step is obtaining construction permits and that he hopes to break ground early next year.


Henderson science center officials on aggressive plan to raise $30 million

The planned location of the 5-acre Henderson Space and Science Center is outlined in red on the preliminary site plan unveiled Tuesday, May 24, 2011. The final location of the museum and Union Village elements are subject to change as the master plan is developed.
Friday, Sept. 30, 2011 | 2 a.m.
Board member Jack Clark listens to a speaker Tuesday during the Henderson Space and Science Center Advisory Board meeting.
Board member Jack Clark listens to a speaker Tuesday during the Henderson Space and Science Center Advisory Board meeting.
Thirty million dollars over five years.
That’s how much money Henderson Space and Science Center officials say they need to raise to build the state-of-the-art facility on five acres near U.S. 95 and Galleria Drive.
The financial plan was created by Gallagher Associates, the company that helped raise money for the nearly half-billion-dollar Smith Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Las Vegas. It calls for the science center to raise $4 million in donations in the next year.
Although the goal may seem lofty in a region still reeling from the effects of the recession and without an established history of supporting cultural endeavors, science center Executive Director Jack Clark he’s confident the money is out there.
“Despite the economy, there are still people who care about our community, who care about the kids, who care about education,” he said. “There’s far more than $30 million that can be raised. The Smith Center is a beautiful example of what can happen when you have partnerships between the community at large, corporate sponsors and government.”
The plan was presented to the Henderson City Council last week, after the council requested in June that center officials provide plans for a way forward, as the past two years have shown few signs of progress.
The project has been in discussion for decades, but finally took off in 2009 after a commitment of $25 million and a land gift from the city. The center has been a sometimes-contentious issue among city council members, resulting in split votes on funding decisions. The council has indicated it doesn’t want to be on the hook for ongoing financial support outside the initial $25 million investment.
The center was initially projected to cost $63 million, but Clark said he’s focusing on driving the price down to the $50 million range without sacrificing quality.
In 2009, it was predicted that it would take five years to raise money, design and build the center, but that projection has been pushed back at least two more years.
Since then, a board of directors has been formed and a few staff members have been hired.
Two temporary exhibits have been staged at Galleria at Sunset mall with mixed results. The first exhibit, an exploration of the North and South Poles, was a success, drawing nearly 25,000 attendees.
But the second, an exhibit exploring noble gases and the periodic table, struggled, drawing only about 5,000 visitors — half the amount expected — and closing with a loss $40,000 higher than anticipated.
The center’s first executive director, Raymond Shubinski, left the project in May and was replaced by Clark, a former city council member who has supported bringing a science center to Southern Nevada for two decades.
Clark said much of the work has been going on behind the scenes. Board members are making connections in Henderson in the initial fundraising push and have visited several science centers and museums nationwide for ideas and inspiration on how to build a similar facility.
“We need this to be successful. To be successful we need to do as much homework as possible. We need to learn what works and what doesn’t work. We can’t guess,” he said.
The center is operating using interest from the city’s $25 million gift and has taken $1.2 million of the principal to hire an architect and other consultants. An initial conceptual design is expected by December.
The deliberate pace isn’t out of the norm for the industry, where centers often take up to a decade to go from an initial idea to official opening.
A $25 million museum in Salt Lake City that blends art, science and technology is set to open in two weeks after initially being approved in 2003.
The $165 million Connecticut Science Center opened in Hartford, in 2009 after three years of construction and five years of planning.
“The building is only a tiny part of it. There are a lot of pieces,” said Larry Hoffer, spokesman for the Association of Science-Technology Centers. “Securing funding is a process, and especially in this economy, it’s challenging. It’s working with your community and making sure you have the support of government and business. The average gestation for a project like this is five to 10 years.”
Building a science center is one thing, but keeping it open long-term presents its own challenges.
With a community of 2 million people and millions of visitors each year, Southern Nevada has a sizable base from which to draw attendance.
But to get people in the door — and keep them coming back — a science center must find a way to be relevant to the history and local interests of its environs, said John Good, president of Las Vegas-based Exhibit IQ, which produces museum exhibits.
Good suggested the following ideas for making a local science center unique:
• Draw on the region’s history in extreme engineering — the building of Hoover Dam or a megaresort, for example.
• Emphasize the valley’s connection with nature, or its background as a testing ground for technology such as atomic bombs or electric cars.
“In the last big building boom of science centers across the country, there was this idea that they all needed to be modeled around some leading examples,” Good said. “It was sort of a McDonald’s approach, (which) worked initially, but now we’re getting to the point where it’s important the museum is relevant to the community it is in.”
Clark said the board’s planning has focused on making the museum interactive, meaning people learn hands-on and walk away with new experiences. The center will also work to bring in new exhibits on a regular basis to keep the museum fresh and encourage repeat visits.
“The problem when you look at most museums … there’s a ton of stuff to see, but not much to do,” Clark said. “When you look at places where there’s plenty to do, you learn at your own pace. You get to experiment. We want people to walk out of our center having learned something.”
But relying solely on admission revenue likely won’t pay the center’s ongoing costs, making other sources of revenue crucial.
The center would likely have space for private events, which in other markets provides up to 60 percent of revenue.
Councilwoman Kathleen Vermillion was initially a critic of the project, but after touring museums in California with Henderson science center board members, she now says she’s excited for the project, seeing it as an asset that will serve the whole community.
“When I really delved in and I looked at the books, I looked at the numbers and I walked away from it, (I saw) that not only is the museum going to self-sustain, it’s going to produce revenue,” she said. “This is community enrichment, it affects everybody.”


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