Oh My God! To buy this house You may only need $ 6,000 down payment (CALL YOUR VEGAS #1 = RAMON ASAP @702-334-7767)

Oh My God!
To buy this house You may only need $ 6,000 down payment!
(If U qualified for FHA loans) ..........
And your total monthly payment maybe less than $ 1,100 / month

asking price: $ 169,900 Only!
Stunning 2 floors house is situated in the charming
and secure gated communities
((Suggested rent = $ 1,000 per month))!Stunning 2 story home nestled in a charming & gated community! Home features new int paint pkg. & upgraded carpet throughout! Chefs kitchen complete w/new quartz counter top & new ss appliances! New fixtures throughout! New door knobs throughout! New wood like flooring throughout! EZ to maintain desert landscape up front & spacious backyard w/blue oasis pool perfect for the upcoming summer season!

Oh My God!
To buy this house You may only need $ 6,000 down payment!
(If U qualified for FHA loans) ..........
And your total monthly payment maybe less than $ 1,100 / month

asking price: $ 169,900 Only!
Stunning 2 floors house is situated in the charming
and secure gated communities
((Suggested rent = $ 1,000 per month))!

Stunning 2 story home nestled in a charming & gated community!

Home features new int paint pkg. & upgraded carpet throughout!

Chefs kitchen complete w/new quartz counter top & new ss appliances!

New fixtures throughout!
New door knobs throughout!
New wood like flooring throughout!

EZ to maintain desert landscape up front
& spacious backyard w/blue oasis pool perfect for the upcoming summer season!

Stunning 2 story home nestled in a charming & gated community!

Home features new int paint pkg. & upgraded carpet throughout!

Chefs kitchen complete w/new quartz counter top & new ss appliances!

New fixtures throughout!
New door knobs throughout!
New wood like flooring throughout!

EZ to maintain desert landscape up front
& spacious backyard w/blue oasis pool perfect for the upcoming summer season!

Stunning 2 story home nestled in a charming & gated community!

Home features new int paint pkg. & upgraded carpet throughout!

Chefs kitchen complete w/new quartz counter top & new ss appliances!

New fixtures throughout!
New door knobs throughout!
New wood like flooring throughout!

EZ to maintain desert landscape up front
& spacious backyard w/blue oasis pool perfect for the upcoming summer season!



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拉斯维加斯在夏天难以忍受吗? 那么为什么还是有这么多人要跑到 VEGAS 退休呢 ?? 背景房子正在出售 = 买一送一! 因为它有一个 100% free "CASITA" 4 UUU !!!

Crown Resorts Ready to Bid for Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas