
(VEGAS) Single-family home inventory down to six-week supply


The inventory of single-family homes available for sale in Las Vegas without a contingent or pending offer dropped to 4,901 in March, about a six-week supply at current sales level, the Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors reported Monday.
2012年4月23 日, 大拉斯維加房地產經紀人協會報告, 在沒有任何一項可能發生或者未決定的優惠情況之下, 拉斯維加斯獨立屋的可供出售房屋, ,在 3 月下跌至 4,901棟, 大約為目前銷售水平的六週供應量。

The total number of homes listed for sale in Las Vegas fell to 18,200 in March, down 18 percent from 22,184 a year ago when there were 11,334 homes available without offers.

在拉斯維加斯可供出售房屋的總數在3月下跌至18,200棟,從一年前的 22,184 棟下降百分之18到11,334棟。

That means homes under contract grew only slightly, from about 11,000 to 13,000, in the past year.
那也意味著房屋完成買賣的數量成長非常有限,在過去一年裡, 從11,000棟到 13,000棟。

Several factors are contributing to declining inventory, starting with the robo-signing law that throttled notices of default filed by major lenders since October, said Dennis Smith, housing analyst with Home Builders Research.
房屋建設研究的首席分析師丹尼斯·史密斯說, 自從 2011年10 月,扼殺主要貸款銀行發出提前拍賣房屋通知的法律開始,若干因素在導致存貨下跌。

Going back to last year before Assembly Bill 284 became law, lenders were filing 2,700 to 5,700 NODs a month. Now it's about 300 a month. Bank repossessions are down to about 800 a month. That's the net effect of the law, Smith said.
史密斯說, 在去年議會 284法案成為法律之前, 貸款銀行一個月發出  2,700到5,700個提前拍賣房屋通知。現在一個月是大約 300。銀行屋每個月降至大約 800。這是法律達到的直接效果。

There also has been a sharp increase in short sales, or homes offered at less than the principal mortgage balance, which requires lender approval. Those homes may stay under contract for as long as six months, the analyst said.
分析師也說, 短售屋的增加,買方所提出的買價低於賣主所欠的銀行貸款,這要求 貸款銀行 批准。那些房屋可能需要比較長的時間完成買賣,通常需要六個月左右。

Smith does not see a wave of foreclosures materializing from the "shadow inventory" that was ominously projected to hit Las Vegas.
史密斯看不見預兆襲擊拉斯維加斯的「影子存貨」問題, 並沒有一連串的法拍屋或銀行屋出現。

"We will see some (foreclosure) inventory come onto the market, but not a big wave," he said. "Banks are trying new things like renting them back, and they're doing more short sales."
他說:「我們將看到市場上的一些銀行屋出現,但並不是一個大的波浪。銀行在嘗試一些新事情, 像讓屋主回租房屋,及更多的短售屋。」

Realtors sold 3,538 single-family homes in March, a 4.4 percent increase from the same month a year ago. The median price was $123,000, down 2.3 percent from a year ago, but up 1.7 percent, or $2,000, from February.
房地產經紀人在 3 月出售 3,538 個單一住宅,與一年前的同一月相比, 有百分之4.4的升幅。中間價格是十二萬三千美元,比一年前下降百分之 2.3,但比 2 月上升百分之 1.7,或兩千美元,。

The shortage of inventory is bringing multiple offers reminiscent of the boom years when people were overbidding list prices, said Kolleen Kelley, president of the Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors.
大拉斯維加斯房地產經紀人協會的主席科倫坎利說:「存貨的缺乏, 帶來多重的優惠, 使人想起出價高於定價的繁榮時期。」

"Right now, we have to find inventory, and where we see this coming from is investors who bought for cash. They'll be able to sell and carry the note at 6 percent and get a higher return on their investment than waiting for appreciation," Kelley said.

The Realtors association reported that 1,790 homes (40.7 percent) were sold as foreclosures, while 1,171 homes (26.6 percent) were sold as short sales. The median price for a foreclosure was $106,000, and the median short sale price was $121,000.
大拉斯維加斯房地產經紀人協會報告,  1,790棟房屋(百分之40.7%)是銀行屋被出售,而 1,171 棟房屋 (百分之26.6%)是短售屋 。銀行屋中間價格是十萬六千美元,短售屋的中間銷售價格是十二萬一千美元。

Cash buyers represented 54.5 percent of all sales, compared with about 40 percent before the housing downturn.

Robb Beville, president of Harmony Homes, said dwindling inventory of existing homes has helped push new home sales early in the year. Harmony closed 130 new-home sales in the first quarter, compared with 227 for all of last year, he said. A combination of things will work to keep resale inventory low, Beville said.
和諧地產的主席羅伯比非說,現在待售屋存貨的減少, 將幫助今年的新屋銷售。和諧在今年第一季度完成了一百三十棟的新屋銷售 ,與去年全年二百二十七棟相比,是不錯的成績。很多事情的組合, 將致力於保存待售屋存貨維持在低點。

"It'll be the rentals, the short sales, loan modifications. Foreclosure is the biggest loss the bank's going to have. Banks are starting to wise up. It's like an aircraft carrier. It doesn't change direction quickly or move very fast," he said.
他說:「這些事情包括租金,短售屋,貸款修改。法拍屋是銀行將要有的最大損失。銀行現在開始學聰明了, 但就像一艘航空母艦,它不可能太迅速地改變方向或很迅速地移動」。

There were 854 sales of condos and townhomes in March, a decrease of 8.4 percent from the year-ago month, while median price remained unchanged at $61,000.
在3月, 有854棟康斗和城市屋的銷售額,比上個月減少百分之8.4,而中間價格以六萬一千美元保持不變。

Data from the Realtors association is based on sales through the Multiple Listing Service and does not necessarily include sales by builders, for-sale by owners and other transactions not involving a Realtor.
這些資料來自房地產經紀人協會, 透過房地產經紀所作的銷售, 不包括由建築商,屋主自售和不涉及房地產經紀所作的銷售額。


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