关于 ((SECTION 8)) 的常见问题 与解答 = = What is Section 8?

关于SECTION 8 的常见问题与解答

吴先生和萧小姐管理 (LAS VEGAS) 超过 100栋房屋,拥有房屋管理资质----PROPERTY MANAGER PERMIT。 联系方式: 吴先生 (702-334-7767); 萧小姐(702-588-2216) 。 帮助在LAS VEGAS投资的客人更好的管理你们的房子,使你们无后顾之忧,投资一帆风顺。欢迎各位来参观考察。

很多朋友问到Section 8租客的问题,在此我们一一解答。


Q:什么是Section 8住房补贴?

A:Section 8住房补贴的使低收入家庭有能力拥有体面和安全的住房。优惠券只有一小部分符合条件的申请人可以享受,大部分都是提出申请后放在等候名单上。受助人同意接受该付款凭单可以选择等于或低于由美国住房和城市发展部门( HUD)订立的“公平市场租金fair market rent”的房子,前提是屋主同意Section 8 作为支付租金的方式。家庭支付的租金和水电费是收入的百分之三十。家庭选择住房的成本高于公平市值租金必须支付其中的差额。

Section 8住房补贴是由地方公共住房当局( PHA)分布式的联邦福利。国家政府作出最重要的决策和提供优惠券基金以及管理成本。按地方设定收入限额和公平市场租金的变化,就地区和当地的租金收入中位数价格为基础,但他们都由联邦级别的HUD决定。 PHA已建立了一些优先事项服务于申请人,他们可以建立受助人领取到每月50元的最低租金。

Q:谁参加了Section 8?

A:Section 8帮助低收入家庭。房屋委员会选择符合资格准则的收入家庭或个人。受助家庭可能选择留在他们目前居住的单位,或者搬到任何申请地的其他单位。


A:HUD计算出每个家庭接收到的援助金额。援助的水平是根据家庭人数,收入,和目前合理的市场租金。一个家庭,预计将收入的30%至70 %用于支付每月的租金。每个月HUD直接将租金支付给屋主,补足其中的差额。




A:在租赁期内将是12个月以上,但可能不是完全365天。HUD将确定租赁的开始和结束日期。所有租赁将在开始前一个月的最后一天结束(例如:开始11/03/2009 - 10/31/2010结束。 )




A:如果租赁期限为一个月一个月(month by month),业主或经理可以随时向租客发出迁出的法律通知。当一个特定的租赁期(6个月, 1年等),如果在租赁期间业主希望租客迁出,业主只能给房客一份通知写明原因,按照法律采取适当的行动。 除非业主和租客选择签订新的租约。

Q: 借给Section 8是否安全,会不会破坏房屋?





A:没有租不掉的房子,经济好的时候房价高,例如,40万的房子贷款30万,每月付给银行还贷款2000美金,租金2000,正好打平。 现在房价下跌,10万现金直接买下同样的房子,租金减少一半1000美金,很快有人租,这1000美金就是净赚的。



What is Section 8?

The Housing Choice Vouchers Program (often referred to as “Section 8”) is the federal government’s primary program to provide housing for Americans who are living in poverty, as well as the elderly and disabled. It provides qualifying families with assistance in paying the monthly rental fee for homes and apartments that are located anywhere, not just in subsidized housing projects. In every major market in the country it is administered locally by municipal public housing agencies, which certify the tenants and residences for participation in the program. 

GoSection8.com works with landlords and public housing agencies to maintain the largest and most accurate listing of voucher program rentals that are currently available in every market in the U.S. We never charge tenants whatsoever for the listings, which are available to them online, via e-mail alerts, by calling our toll-free number or from their local housing authority. Our goal is to connect landlords with tenants and assist the public housing agencies by maintaining the most accurate and comprehensive listing of certified rentals in their market. 

Information about the Housing Choice Vouchers Program, including eligibility requirements for both tenants and landlords’ residences, can be found from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development by clicking here or below: 


Program Summary: 

The “Section 8” Housing Choice Vouchers Program offers affordable housing choices for very low-income households by allowing families to select from privately owned residences that are being made available for rent by their owner. Local municipal public housing authorities (PHA) generally pay the landlord the difference between 30 percent of household income and the PHA-determined payment standard – which is approximately 80 to 100 percent of the fair market rent (FMR). 

For landlords and their units to participate in the program, the rent must be reasonable. The tenants may choose a home with a higher rent than the FMR, in which case they would pay the landlord the difference themselves, or they may choose a lower cost rental and keep the difference. GoSection8.com helps tenants by providing free access to all of our listings information via our online database as well as by calling us toll free at 1-866-466-SEC8 (7328). 

Locally Administered:

The administering PHA or governmental agency for the Section 8 voucher program inspects the housing units to make sure they comply with HUD quality standards. The housing authority issues the voucher to income-qualified households, and the tenant is then responsible for finding and selecting a residence to rent. If the home or apartment meets the quality standards for eligibility and participation in the program, the PHA will then pay the landlord the amount equal to the difference between 30 percent of the tenant's adjusted income (or 10 percent of the gross income or the portion of welfare assistance designated for housing) and the PHA-determined payment standard for the area. The monthly rental rate must be reasonable compared with similar unassisted units in the general market. 

The PHA calculates the maximum amount of housing assistance allowable for each voucher recipient. The maximum housing assistance is generally the lesser of the payment standard minus 30% of the family's monthly adjusted income or the gross rent for the unit minus 30% of monthly adjusted income. 

Who is Eligible:

Eligibility for a housing voucher under the Section 8 program is determined by the local PHA administering the program. Tenant eligibility is based on the total annual gross income and family size, and it is limited to US citizens and specified categories of non-citizens who have eligible immigration status. In general, the HCV program family's income may not exceed 50 percent of the median income for the county or metropolitan area in which the family chooses to live. By law, a PHA must provide 75 percent of its vouchers to applicants whose incomes do not exceed 30 percent of the median income for the area, which is published by HUD and vary by location. The PHA serving your community can provide you with the income limits for your area and family size. 

If the PHA determines that your family is eligible, you will be added to a waiting list, which varies in length and wait-time according to the local market conditions. In addition, PHAs may establish its own preferences for selecting voucher program applicants from its waiting list, and they may close the list when they have more families than they will be able to assist in the near future. 

How it works: 

The housing choice voucher program offers the individual family that is participating in the program the ability to research and select from the available rentals that best suit their specific needs. The housing voucher holder is advised of the size of the residence that they may rent under the program based on their family size and composition.

The residence selected by the family must meet the minimum required standards for health and safety so that the PHA can approve the unit for rental under the program. Once a voucher tenant reaches an agreement with the landlord over the lease terms for the unit that they wish to rent under the program, the PHA must first inspect the dwelling and determine that the requested monthly rental rate is reasonable.

Every PHA determines their payment standards based on the amount that is generally needed to rent a moderately-priced residence in the local housing market. It uses the local market rental rate to calculate the amount of housing assistance a family will receive, but the local payment standard does not limit the amount of rent a landlord may charge or the family may pay. 

Under the requirements of the program, housing voucher families must pay 30% of their monthly adjusted gross income for rent and utilities. If the unit rent is greater than the payment standard for the local market, the family is required to pay the additional amount. By law, whenever a family moves to a new unit where the rent exceeds the payment standard, the family may not pay more than 40 percent of its adjusted monthly income for rent. 

Because a family's housing needs adjust over time with changes in family size, job locations and other reasons, the program is designed to allow families to move without the loss of rental assistance. The family must notify the PHA ahead of time, terminate its existing lease within the lease provisions, and find acceptable alternate housing.

Under the program, new voucher recipients may select a unit anywhere in the United States, as long as the family lived in the jurisdiction of the PHA issuing the voucher when the family applied for assistance. Families that plan to move to another PHA's jurisdiction must consult with the PHA that currently administers their voucher to verify the moving procedures. 

Tenant's Obligations:

When a voucher family selects a residence and it is approved for leasing under the program by the PHA, the family signs a lease with the landlord for at least one year. Under the terms of the lease, the tenant may be required to pay a security deposit, and the landlord may initiate a new lease or allow the family to remain in the unit under a month-to-month lease after the first year elapses. 

Tenants are expected to comply with the lease and the program requirements, pay their share of the rent on time, maintain the unit in good condition, and notify the PHA of any changes in income or family composition. 


Landlords who would like to take part section8.com rental program can easily do so by listing their property on the GoSectio8.com website. GoSection8 in turn provides property rental listing services directly to Public Housing Authorities. Our listings are passed out to thousands of "walk-in" tenants seeking Section 8 rental housing daily. 

Additionally, through the GoSection8.com website, a landlord's exposure to potential Section8 tenants is maximized by allowing properties to be viewed online. 
Further exposure is achieved via our proprietary GO8 QuikMatch system that notifies tenants seeking housing of new rental listings via computer email, text message or by phone whenever a GoSection8.com Insider lists a property on GoSection8.com. Prospective tenants do not need a computer to view listings posted on GoSection8.com! They can simply call our toll free number and we will input their search criteria into our national database and when a landlord's property matches their criteria they will receive a phone call. 

Prior to GoSection8.com, landlords had to list with Housing Authority offices directly to expose their properties to Section 8 tenants. Due to overlapping geographical territories, in some cases, a landlord would have to list with multiple different local Housing Authorities to achieve maximum local exposure! Furthermore, all Housing Authorities maintained their property lists differently which made the process of adding, updating, and verifying rental listings time consuming and unreliable. 

GoSection8.com is more than just a rental property listing website. Our database is becoming the primary source of information for Public Housing Authority rental lists throughout the country. Listing properties with local Housing Authorities has always been the best way to expose your rental property to section 8 tenants. 

Housing Authority Obligations:

The PHAs enter into a contract with the landlord to provide housing assistance payments. If the landlord fails to meet their obligations under the lease, the PHA may terminate assistance payments. PHAs must review and update the family's income and composition at least annually, and they must inspect each unit at least annually to ensure that it meets the minimum housing quality standards for participation in the program. 

HUD's Role:

HUD provides funds to allow PHAs to make housing assistance payments on behalf of the participating families. The agency monitors the PHA’s administration of the program to ensure that the rules and regulations are properly followed. 



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